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A spin-out company of

School of Podiatry

Supplier to The UK Podiatry &

Physiotherapy Professions

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Get running again!

These accurately profiled insoles for Iliotibial Band Syndrome will reduce pronation and allow the lower limb to deal effectively with the abnormal forces placed on the knee when running.

UK's best insoles for
Iliotibial Band Syndrome

UK university researched

100% satisfaction guarantee

Developed by UK podiatrists

Insoles for Iliotibial Band Syndrome


Iliotibial Band Syndrome is one of the most common causes of lateral (outer) knee pain in runners.


Although it can be referred to as Runner's Knee, it also affects other athletes, including cyclists.


Poor biomechanics and overpronation are the most common causes.

About Iliotibial Band Syndrome


The ITB extends from the muscles of your hip, along the lateral side of your thigh and knee and attaches to the tibia. Its function is to stabilise the knee, but it can become inflamed when it is pulled in directions that it does not want to go.


Symptoms are a stinging sensation just above and on the outer side of the knee where the ITB moves over the femur - also possibly below the knee where the ITB attaches to the tibia. Pain can intensify during activity and is most commonly felt when the foot strikes the ground. 

We know how to cure it


Overpronation is a common contributor to ITBS and well-fitting, accurately profiled insoles can reduce the abnormal forces being placed on the knee. 

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How about painkillers?


Painkillers in isolation are a bad idea because, if you continue to exercise, they mask the ongoing, underlying problem.


The correct insoles will address the cause by allowing the lower limb to manage ground force reaction naturally.


​Soft, non-supportive insoles will be ineffective.

In case you're thinking “why me?”


It isn’t just you. Our feet are not designed for hard surfaces and most footwear lacks adequate support.

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So why the Salford Insole?


The Salford Insole is uniquely effective at controlling pronation and is widely prescribed by podiatrists and physiotherapists throughout the UK.


Designed (and tested) to conform to the precise structure of your foot, it

is proven to help align your foot, ankle and knee and to manage ground force reaction effectively.


A proven and permanent fix for

Iliotibial Band Syndrome.


The insoles will work consistently and indefinitely.



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Established clinical brand

Registered medical device

Proven and permanent fix

Individual sizes for optimum fit

Machine washable

Will never need replacing!

Guaranteed results!

The Salford Insole for

Iliotibial Band Syndrome




The professional's choice.

Get running again!

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I'd almost given up on finding effective insoles for my knee pain, but I understand now that they were all too soft to make any sort of correction.  Thank you for the explanation and such a simple, permanent fix!​


- Nick, Bedford

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